Monday 3 December 2012

Albion Cloud Service

Are you looking for cloud backup services and recovery? Do you require desktop/laptop backup and security or some sort of reliable backup disaster recovery solution? If your answer to any of these questions is “Yes”, you must understand the importance of hiring a cloud service provider. In a cloud computing system, there is significant workload shifting. Local computers don’t have to do all the heavy lifting for running applications.

 Rather, the network of computers constituting the cloud tackles them. Here, the user’s computer should be capable of running the cloud computing system’s interface software. In this system, you just need to remote log in to a web e-mail account. Both software and storage for your account lie on the service’s computer cloud.

When it comes to cloud services, you can access cloud storage and cloud computing over the network. Considering your demand for these services, Albion Global helps you to secure IT services and pay according to your usage. Cloud services are known to be the best solution if your business requires a cost-effective and flexible option for delivering IT services. They supplement your current systems, processes and staffs.

Albion cloud service ensures data protection with cost-effective and managed backup solutions. We offer managed protection of your crucial data as we understand your need to have a solution that enables you to rapidly back up, restore and maintain your access to this kind of data.

Our cloud storage services provide you on-site and off-site data backup for minimizing operational risks and total cost of ownership. Albion cloud-based data backup solutions easily and effectively manage your industry regulation requirements.  You can select and implement a plan for data backup, retention and retrieval. Thus, you can have 24/7 access to secure information.

Most importantly, you can decrease your total cost of ownership and even manage your compliance requirements in a better way through our flexible, scalable and managed data protection solutions. Albion Global has the requisite expertise, managed services support, vigorous cloud infrastructures and ability to provide you with the entire IT infrastructure through Cloud Computing.

Cloud Computing at Albion Global comprises of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service). With SaaS, you can automatically back up laptop, desktop and server data from all over your organization to our ironclad cloud and access it whenever you need. Our SaaS cloud services make your access to information secure, efficient yet easy.

Our cloud storage services are network based. Therefore, it is sensible to opt for a provider like us. We are best at offering you the bandwidth and performance that is required for highly demanded cloud-based solutions. This is possible through 100 percent availability and the enterprise-class security of Albion Global internet data centers.

What make our cloud backup services and recovery solutions different from those offered by others is that they allow you to overcome bandwidth restraints and security risks more economically and reliably. Therefore, get ready to leverage our extraordinary cloud infrastructure for everything ranging from offsite protection and online backup of your data to managed services, disaster recovery, etc.  

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